How to Generate B2B Sales Leads

Get your website driving leads

One purpose of your website is to produce sales leads for your business. Understanding how this works, then, figuring out how best to do it on your own site can feel like a daunting challenge.

My colleague Chris Getman over at Vital took the time to painstakingly demystify the jargon and the process of how to generate more leads for your B2B company. They also created this excellent image. Put simply, like the image, more leads equal more sales.

Vital is an agency with two locations, one in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and one in Boston, Massachusetts. They focus on website design, brand strategy and inbound marketing.

Producing sales leads is a function of inbound marketing. Wikipedia does a great job of defining it here.  Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that bring visitors to you, to your website. An example of these “marketing activities” includes having relevant and helpful content on your website.

Content drives leads

Relevant and helpful content to the customer, not relevant to how awesome we are as a consultant, company or agency. Relevant to the customer means content that will help them as they collect information during their research phase. Examples of this content could be downloadable worksheets, ebooks, white papers, diagrams, checklists, research reports etc.

This content is needed as 60% of the purchasing decision process is made before a B2B customer will contact a sales rep. How do you help this customer through the buying process? By having excellent and relevant content on your site.

Providing relevant and helpful content to a potential customer as they are in the research phase often helps secure your company’s spot on their short list.

How to get those leads

Chris’s article (link at the bottom) starts with explaining what a lead is, why you need more traffic to your website and why you need that traffic to ‘convert’ in order to get leads. He takes you through step-by-step explaining the whys and hows of this concept.

Since Chris did such a great job of explaining this, I wanted to share his article so that it may help you to understand why this is an important component of your marketing, and how to execute such a strategy.

Chris’s article can be found here.

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