Marketing Strategy Execution Delivers Results

Welcome to our blog about successful marketing strategy execution. What the goal is of this blog, this site and this company is to help you to understand what is needed to better execute your marketing strategy. We’ll work to give you the insights, advice and tools to help you successfully execute your marketing strategy. And too, we can do it for you if you’d like.

Often, execution has taken a back seat to strategy and vision. The thing is, both need to be in the front seat, so-to-speak. Without knowing the way forward, the end goal, execution is just busy work. Without plans, implementation and execution, strategy stays a great idea.

What’s been your toughest hurdle with marketing execution? For most, it is the fact that the marketing strategy can be seen, however the marketing execution seems to be the ‘invisible work’ that makes it happen.  The marketing strategy may live in a document or on a deck of slides for all to see.

However, making all the elements come together to ensure the strategy becomes a reality is a different form of work. It is easy to overlook ‘invisible work’. It is also common to wonder what type of work is involved with marketing execution?

Think of marketing strategy execution work as the “how”. How exactly is this project going to get done? How do we put the right people together with the right tasks with the right time limit in order to achieve the end result the strategy is guiding us towards?

The work is part:

  • Project management – understanding the timelines, the deadlines, the order in which the work needs to be done.
  • Marketing – understanding which marketing activities will best achieve the goal of the strategy.
  • Diplomacy – brining many people together with the right skills and ensuring that they are set up to do their best for the project.

Often the work involves setting up a process from scratch that needs to integrate into an existing company operations. This means using software, platforms or methodologies that the company currently uses in other parts of the business.

Once the process is set up, it needs to be put through the paces a few times as a perfect plan on paper doesn’t last long once it hits reality. It is then tweaked for efficiency, effectiveness and common sense.

Many times the marketing execution work can be handed over to an internal team to manage or can be managed by an agency. Two examples in our case studies highlight these options.


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