Marketing Strategy: Reaching High Performers in International Markets

Marketing Strategy: Reaching High Performers in International Markets Trish Tonaj

This is the first in a series of articles showcasing how business owners from different industries use marketing to help their companies grow.  This may inspire you to introduce a marketing concept for your business that is not currently used in your industry.

Multidisciplinary High-Performance Coach

Trish Tonaj leads Phaze2inc,  a corporate health and wellness company focused on working with individuals and leadership teams to create and sustain a high-performance culture.

Services include keynote speaking, coaching and workshops using emotional intelligence EQ as the foundation for change.  Trish is an EQ certified coach. Learn more about emotional intelligence and how it helps with your professional relationships.

Trish is also the author of two books, with her most recent Breaking Barriers 10 Entrepreneurial Women Share Their Stories  where she interviews 10 Canadian female entrepreneurs in support of innovation, collaboration and mentorship.


Breaking Barriers book photo


Generating Revenue

Phaze2inc earns revenue from keynote speaking, lifestyle coaching and workshops.

Ideal Client

Trish’s ideal clients are individuals and work teams interested in improving communication tools to create a high-performance culture. Companies vary in size and industry but they all have a commitment to the people in their organizations.

Trish has opened the door to international clients. She’s set up online portal convenient for new clients to participate in an EQ assessment to set the stage for future growth and development.

As a coach, her work can be delivered over the phone, or via Skype, FaceTime or a corporate platform like WebEx or GoToMeeting.

How Clients Find You

Client referrals: happy clients referring others is a wonderful stamp of approval opening doors to new relationships.

Speaking at events is another form of introduction as Trish shares stories with a little humour and  “walks the talk” as an entrepreneur.

Networking is another avenue, meeting individuals in business to create an awareness for the services offered.

As a frequent traveller, Trish never stops, so it is not unusual for her to return from a trip with at least one new client.

Trish Tonaj speaking at GYB Lunch 2016

Sales Cycle

With individuals, it tends to be quite fast. With corporations, understandably they are booking in advance  for this type of training – so once a decision is made, the deployment of her work can follow months later.

Most Frustrating Things About Promoting Your Business

Time. Trish was honest in saying that she has to practise what she preaches regarding priorities and finding work-life balance. Having a solid strategic plan assists with finding the balance necessary to be effective while leaving a little “wiggle room” to tweak the plan along the way.

Biggest Misconception About Your Industry

There are many individuals who now offer services as a coach: personal, professional and lifestyle to name a few.  The industry has grown tremendously in the last few years with coaches who have varying degrees of credibility and skill. Finding your market niche and focus is paramount to success.

Future of Your Industry

The future is bright.  The definition of health and wellness is forever changing as more corporations realize that working in a  high-performance culture provides a win-win for both employees and the company.

Health and wellness is starting to mean more than just nutrition and exercise, it can only get better.  Organizational leaders understand that raising the bar within their teams creates a healthy foundation for the future.

Learn more about Trish Tonaj, and connect with her on Twitter  Facebook  LinkedIn


NIM Notes on Marketing Strategy for Global Marketing

As Trish’s story shows, the potential for global reach is very exciting and a real possibility.

  • Tip for raising your awareness globally
    • Pick one country to start with. Decide on a country based on the opportunity you see and the skills you currently could easily transfer. This could mean an existing understanding of the market, family ties, language, etc.
    • Now, start to use social media to build your awareness within that country.
  • Tips to using social media outside of your own country
    • Learn which social channels are most used in your target country. While social media does give you global  different platforms are more popular in different countries. Post information in the appropriate time zone for that country.
    • Listen, follow and connect with others (you could start with the local/national business or industry associations, reporters/journalists/influencers covering your topic) to learn about the new opportunities and to get known. Be aware of customs, manners, cultural norms an d industry jargon.
    • Join a local/international business group like InterNations to improve your knowledge and connections in your new target country.

Next Steps

Done and Done ebook by New Initiatives Marketing Inc.


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